18 Apr 2008

Novo Zé Dos Frangos Website!!

Welcome, Vitaj, and Bemvindo to the new Zé Dos Frangos website. I'm really excited that ZDF finally has it's own homepage. Let me give you a little tour. The Reverbnation widget there on the left does a lot of stuff. Play music, watch video, see show listings, sign up for the mailing list, and even check out other artists. There is also a 'share' section where you can embed a ZDF music player into your own site, blog, facebook page, etc.

Below and to the left is some helpful info with links and my email. Then to the right are some videos including a montage of our SXSW 2008 related shows. Continuing down and to the left is a simple message board. You want to go where people know, people are all the same.

At the very bottom you'll find links to ZDF in other languages. Last are the ads at the right. I hope they will help support the cost of maintaining this site and won't detract too much from it's purpose. Ďakujem krasný Táňa za pomocť!

14 Apr 2008

Zé Dos Frangos on Melofobia

Zé Dos Frangos is accelerating to the household name status. Evidence: the Português blog Melofobia recently dedicated an entire blog entry to this very topic. 
"até fazem música bem audível" - Rita Melofobia

13 Apr 2008

Survived SXSW 2008!

Wooohooo SXSW! It was a blast. Thanks to everyone that came out to Copa for our show and I hope you can come to our show on Friday at Flipnotic's at 10:30. We euro-flaved so hard that the electricity blew half-way through Cutting Each Word. As the electrical fire ensued around us the audience applauded our excellent pyrotechnics. Here are some fotos from the show on Flickr.

We also saw lots of great bands. Of course Dizzee Rascal was good, but I also had a lot of fun seeing The Choir Practice and Tiger City. This was the first year that classical music was included. I got to see the hypnotic piece, Drumming, by Steve Reich. On the last night Black Moth Super Rainbow threw a great party full of confetti, piñatas, and great music.

11 Apr 2008

Page Test

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